Good Morning All,

This week was the official press launch for the MACH 2024 visitor campaign. With more information being targeted to visitors we will be seeing an increase in those clicking onto the MACH website looking for information, as exhibitors if you want to make sure you are making your brand as visible as possible you need to login to the website and make sure your information is up to date.

Thank you to those who have already logged in!

Those of you haven’t you can get a reminder of your password using the ‘forgot password’ function here.

Our next recommended task of the month is:

MACH TASK OF THE MONTH | November 2023 – Access Wristbands

Focus | Operations

TaskOrder your Access Wristbands and make sure your stand contractors are aware of where to order theirs.
Why is it important?MACH and ESC are CDM sites and nobody is permitted onsite during build and breakdown unless they are wearing a wristband to confirm that they have read the site rules and procedures. You the Exhibitor are responsible for ensuring your staff and contractors are aware of the rules and doing this in advance will prevent delays to your stand build and breakdown.  
How to guide/Advice1) Login to the Exhibitor Manual (this was the October Task if you need additional Guidance)Access the Order Forms Page

2) In the Compulsory Forms section access the ‘Exhibitor Access Wristbands’ form and click through to fill it out.

3) Once all your compulsory forms have been submitted and approved by the Ops Team a pack will be posted to you containing the wristbands and the Site Rules
[Note – international exhibitors will not have the packs posted but they will be available for collection from the H19 Organiser’s office]

4) The Site Rules should be issued to your staff and a wristband exchanged for signed copies of the Site Rules. These signed copies should be retained for your records as it is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to demonstrate their staff have read the Site Rules. [an electronic copy will be available for you to issue to remote staff]  

A note for exhibitors with external contractors i.e stand builders, logistics companies and other external staff needing access to site:  
Please direct them to the Contractor Zone on the MACH website and ask them to find the ‘Contractor Wristband Form’ via the read only link to the exhibitor manual. They will then be able to order wristbands direct to their office.  

What if I need additional wristbands? If you have not yet received your pack then email [email protected] with the revised number required.   If it is too close to the show for spares to reach you then additional wristbands can be picked up onsite from the CDM office or Organiser’s Office  
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