Traditionally for MACH, December and January are strong months for registration as potentially visitors start to turn their minds to 2024 and think ‘MACH year’.

It is therefore a great time for you as exhibitors to invite your customers and prospects to the show and we as organiser’s have a number of tools that can assist you with this.

Our next recommended task of the month is:

MACH TASK OF THE MONTH | December 2023 –  Request Free Marketing Assets

Focus | Marketing

TaskCheck out the free dual-branded marketing assets that are available to you as exhibitors and send out on email/social post.
Why is it important?We design the email invitations, social images and even video gifs incorporating the MACH visitor campaign design and your company logo/stand number: you can use these completely free of charge to promote your presence at the show and help boost your ROI   We also link the assets to your unique URL so you can track who is registering through your content giving you greater visibility on which of your customers will be attending the exhibition
How to guide/AdviceThe order form links are now live via your E-zone profile and you can access it via the ‘Marketing Assets’ tab.

To fill in either of these forms you will need access to your unique URL, if you are not sure where to find this then click into the Help Library and use our handy screenshot guide to help you locate it.

Once you have filled out the form our design team will create the requested assets, (and yes, we have ESC versions available) depending on the number of orders submitted at any one time it may take us a few days to create and get these back to you so please bear with us!  

Once you have your assets use them! If you are adding them to social media remember to tag us in at #MACH2024 and #ESCShow. Links to all the social platforms used by the show are in the website footer if your need to check. If you are not already doing so then why not follow the show for updates on your platform of choice.  

If you have any trouble please message the main [email protected] and a member of the team will help.

Otherwise, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a festive Christmas season and all the best for the New Year.

Kind regards,


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