Focus | Marketing

TaskLogin to the E-Zone on the MACH website
– Add your logo
– Write your 50-word profile
– Add company Tags
Why is it important?The website is the first point of contact to engage with exhibitors; without the basic information above visitors will be less likely to engage with your entry and without the tags the website search function won’t find your company when a visitor searches for a technology type.
How to guide/adviceThis is an easy one ðŸ˜Š
Website Login
Login Here
Your login details have been emailed to the registered contact for the stand. Registered contacts can also use the forgotten password link and your email to receive a password re-set link. Password reminders come from [email protected] so please add this to your safe senders list to make sure you receive the reset email.If you run into issues email [email protected] for help.
Your logo should be a png. or jpeg. File format and looks best as a square image, for example 300px x 300px
you can write whatever you like but add key terms you want to be picked up in searches. This profile will eventually be printed in the show guide so make sure it is proofed carefully, we also recommend avoiding hyperlinks or complex
There is a full list of the available tags if you want to review with colleagues before selecting.
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